Sunday, December 25, 2011

Iphone 5 release in 2012 Not Confirmed or Denied

via Wikipedia
iPhone 5, the next generation is apparently not on the horizon, unless it comes out as a Star Wars knock off movie. As we sit on the brink of 2012 waiting for 2011 to slowly die off, it gives us a chance to look back on a somewhat exciting year of watching for the iPhone 5. Just for a quick rewind, back in early Spring, the release of the iPad 2 was completed well and it looked like the technology for breakthrough speed and capability that would allow the iPhone 5 to be released during the summer session, a usual release time for Apple.

As time went on, however, all of us began to question whether or not things were going according to plan . It wasn't even obvious, though, despite some ominous signs, including a late summer release of a "white" iPhone 4 (hello?). It wasn't obvious UNTIL, yes, the big day, the release of the new... (drumroll please) iPhone 4S came out instead of the long awaited iPhone 5. Does the "S" stand for "speed" or for "Steve?" Don't know. This release was amazingly close to the death of Steve Jobs, the life of Apple for so many years. This only adds to the intrigue about an amazing man and an amazing company that grips the imagination of millions of people in our time.

Is Apple a company full of geniuses who knew that the release of iPhone 5 prematurely could be the undoing of the company? Apparently that is the best conclusion we can come to when thinking about this whole situation.  What are the clues here? Well, the release of iOS 5 came only shortly before the release of the new phone. Maybe it was simplistic to think that iOS 5 would mean the imminent release of iPhone 5 to the public, but it would seem simpler to have the same iOS as model of iPhone out... Now, will the iPhone 5 have iOS 6 on it? Or even iOS 7 if they take too long with the hardware again? Interestingly, the main rumors circulating at present about Mac's new products center on the possible late winter 2012 release of the iPad 3.

So is the iPhone 4S much faster than regular old 4? Yes. Does the introduction of SIri on the new iOS make it a revolutionary thing bringing us to a new level of voice activation. The answer is once again "Yes." However with the qualifying info that SIri is a pretty basic program that does pretty basic things (much like the original iPhone was a pretty basic phone that did pretty basic things) but has AMAZING potential to do incredible things using voice controls. The power of these apps, however, will be released by the freedom of third party companies to develop incredible apps. SIri opens a door for apps to build on its' platform so that we can do amazing things by voice. One example of this is an app called "Vocal" which allows a person to control their Mac computer via their iPhone 4S.

This brings to mind scenes from the 80's movie "Electric Dreams" where the computer, Miles, can turn on the lights, coffee maker, dishwasher, etc. He can also fall in love... I don't know that the iPhone 4S will be falling in love any time soon, but it may help husbands manage to stay in love, if they can make their Mac have a picture of flowers waiting for their wife if they've forgotten her anniversary.  Of course, the husband better also ask SIri where there's a nice restaurant where he can get reservations to complete the "surprise" evening (How could I forget our ANNIVERSARY? Ha ha.).

So as we all are having fun with the new possibilities of the latest iOS, Apple seems content to keep pushing what they've got going.  This is a little suspicious and makes me wonder...

Will we see the iPhone 5 in 2012?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Iphone 5 release in 2012?

In the midst of the new difficulties for the iPhone 4 S (for Steve), there still is buzz surrounding the release of the iPhone 5. If this isn't proof that the world was more than ready for the iPhone5, there may not be any convincing proof. The fact that just weeks after the release of the iPhone 4S people are starting to speculate about the release of the 5 is a sign of this misstep by Apple. It doesn't help any that low battery times and any other bugs are just starting to become obvious to 4S owners Couple that with the bugs and short-comings of the OS 5 coming to light at the same time and people aren't happy.  There is always a little dip, after the initial euphoria, in customer satisfaction.  Perhaps it's not coincidental that many are still looking to the future model rather than jumping in with the recent 4S.

Rumors are swirling that the new iPhone 5 will be coming out in 2012. Are these rumors justified?  Who knows. We thought it was coming out in October 2011, right?  The big talk about the phones right now is all about LTE. It simply stands for Long Term Evolution (which some say refers to the development stage of this slow to market technology). Several carriers are rumored to be building LTE capable infrastructure in larger cities in preparation for the LTE phones coming out soon.

You may ask "If this technology is imminent, why didn't Apple just stuff it into the 4S?"  It's a good question, but there is also a good answer. It is a battery hog and needs a bigger antenna, which takes up more space for hardware. These two glaring difficulties would only make customers all the more frustrated and impatient with their new iPhones, goes the line of reasoning. Apparently they're already frustrated about this even without the 4G LTE technology sucking the life out of the new iPhones.

Does Apple have time to get a stellar product to market in 2012 that will deliver on the promises of powerful new technology? Will they be able to find a design that will give good battery life and good hardware and performance? Those questions remain to be answered. In the meantime the world just has to put up with not knowing.  

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Death of Steve Jobs

In an amazing coincidence of timing, Steve Jobs' time on this earth ended just days after the release of the iPhone 4S (instead of iPhone 5).  While the world takes note of his death, it seems appropriate to mention it here.  Our condolences go out to the family and friends.

From Apple's webpage:  

And from

There is so much being said about him on different media outlets that it would seem repetitive.  Since the focus of this site has been and will continue to be anticipation of the iPhone 5, it is sad to think that it will happen without Steve Jobs.  If they work on it in memory of him, perhaps Apple will come out with another jump in innovation and technology as they have so many times with Jobs at CEO.  His part of the story of the digital revolution that has taken place over the last 35 years has been significant.  We hope that the story of a child adopted into a lower middle class family who dropped out of college to follow a dream will continue to motivate and inspire people around the world.  Particularly we hope that it will inspire a new generation of pioneers who will continue to think, invent and innovate, making the world a more interesting place in which to live.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

No Iphone 5 this year!!

iPhone 5 is.... NOT OUT.

I know that you may be VERY disappointed (and I am kind of dissapointed and a bit shocked) that Apple's announcement today basically didn't have the words Iphone and "five" put together anywhere.  I am a little excited because these entries will now live on longer than even I anticipated (I'm selfish, ok?).  Apple's decision has given this column a new life-span!  Instead of iPhone 5 chaos, we have the new release of the Iphone 4S ("s" for zippy, I guess).  I haven't spent a ton of time on the internet looking at what people are generally saying about this development (o.k. Pun intended), or lack of development.

My question of whether or not this will be a blow to Apple remains and the jury is out (all 7 billion of them when it comes to anything iPhone).  Does the departure of Steve Jobs hurt?  Absolutely.  Does the release of the long awaited iPhone 5 turning into the release of the dreaded iPhone 4S hurt?  Absolutely.  So two strikes against the company in a relatively short period of time.  If we want to take the analogy

OK, so does the 4 S bring anything really new to the table?  We won't know for a few days, except what the journalists who were at the Apple press conference will tell us.  They are actually experts, though, so it's a pretty good guess that there is also a lot of info about the Iphone 4S out there that is very reliable and of course we WON'T HEAR ANYTHING ABOUT THE IPHONE 5 anytime soon.  They want us talking about the new (wow) features on the new iPhone 4S.  There is a couple of new apps (yawn--now you told me iPhone 5 isn't out...  but why will they release iOS 5?).  There is cards, which is Apple getting into the greeting card business--yes, they will print it and mail it for you in the US for $3 and internationally for $5.  This basically upgrades and expands iPhoto services a bit and gets them on the iPhones.  The app of course is free with the new iOS (October 12 release date).  The other app is called "Find Your Friends" which gives out location information to people you allow to see it.  I guess it also could be "Find My Husband" or "Let Other People Stalk Your Kids."  But anyway, two small apps for apple and two... small apps for humankind.
But hey, once the news was out--Guess what, no iPhone 5 this time!!-- then all that was left was anticlimax, so "tada... cards!" or any other app at that point was going to be a disappointment.

So iPhone 5 hopes and dreams live on (maybe they can grab the mockups and actually make some of the cooler ones happen, NEXT RELEASE.

Can I just have another selfish moment?  Please?  In April, I was strongly questioning whether or not Apple would release the iPhone 5 at all this year (2011).  Well, it turns out that my instincts at that time were right.  See my April blog questioning the release of Iphone 5 in 2011.

Now to eat crow:  Since then, I basically got told over and over that I was wrong and I started to disbelieve myself.  My September additions basically took this "fact" for granted.  I called it the release of the iPhone 5.  So I am humbled as well by my lack of faith.  So I'll just post the above link to the article back in April to remind myself that I believe I can fly...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mock ups to pass time waiting for the Iphone 5 release

The look of the actual iPhone 5 is top secret but of course we have people with nothing better to do than photoshop together ideas of what it could be.  Today to pass the time waiting for the IPHONE 5 RELEASE, take a look at some of these beautiful things!

Or perhaps?
Iphone 5 GUMBY?

This one looks coolest to me.

Sadly, this is probably what it will be... Oh well.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Iphone 5 and iOS 5 Release Dates Still Under Wraps But Quite Clear


"IPHONE 5 will be released October 10" I was told at a recent social event by a friend who is "in the know."  So of course I got pretty excited about that.  By "in the know" I just mean that he has an IPhone 4 and is getting anxious to have an upgrade and maybe pass on the "old" phone if it would just become "old" already!  Right now, it is a little early, o.k. it is impossible to upgrade from IPhone 4, unless you want to start a big argument about Android and bla bla bla (BTW, have you seen the LG Optimus 2x???).

The rumor mills that are trying to keep themselves solely to confirmed by reliable sources information (are there really any of those left any more?) are still not able to pinpoint the date of the release.  So apparently my friend, who I really have no reason to disbelieve, has information that those big time (cnet among others) outlets don't have.  Wow.  Others are saying October 4 is I-day.  Hmmm.  The plot thickens as the date gets closer and people are more and more curious to find out the day, and yet there are really no exact dates being given by the iphone people themselves.  Even if October 4 turns out to be the release day of Iphone 5 and IOS 5, the only piece of that which may actually be available is the OS part and will only be available to existing customers for upgrade.  Will that be an ILetdown or what?  Employees of Apple are apparently not being given any vacation during the 2nd week of October (week of Monday the 10th).  This is perhaps one of the more solid pieces of information that are available and could indeed point to a release date around the 10th of October.

Many point to a Twitter developer convention in London on October 10 and say that the new IOS will have to released before then so that they can present the new interactivity between IPhone 5 and Twitter.  In this case, the reasoning is that this event will not have a secrecy clause and so any attendee could blab about it to the media--UNLESS the IPhone 5 has already been released by then.  Is this sound logic?  Yes.  Is it absolutely foolproof?  No.  Incidentally there is another developer event in NYC on October 12...  Maybe October 12 is Iday?

All this to say that a date has still not been nailed down beyond a doubt.  Where can I buy an IPhone 5?  At this point the answer to that question is nowhere.  The Apple stores will have them when they come out, but probably only for existing mobile customers.  When can I buy an IPhone 5?  That question will remain a mystery until the spin masters and dream weavers at Apple unleash the new wonder.

One thing we can know is that it will be very clear to the world when the the IPhone 5 release occurs.  Because it is up-until-now been such a well kept secret, the world wants to know more than ever and when the news breaks, the electronic highways will light up with traffic.  Some will holler (tweet, text?) with joy while others will complain and look for flaws to trumpet the superiority of other technologies. In small measure the fact is noteable that an Androidite or MS Mobile office pusher cannot remain silent about the new release of the product that has taken the mobile device world by store  But one great sign of the impact that IPhones have had on the whole world will be the amount of buzz created by the simple Release of the Iphone 5.  Bring it on!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rumors of iphone 5 release dates spinning out of control

iPhone 5 is rumored to be releasing in just a few short weeks!  There are several cracks in the dam that is Mac's cone of silence, if the rumors are to be believed.  Snafus range from a French telecom exec spilling the news to Vodafone UK making a mockery of secrecy with a "mistake" of putting Iphone 5's on their product pages.  Is all this to be taken as real or is it simply more in the clever game of spin in the ever-growing rumor pool about Iphone 5 release?  I am not really a conspiracy theorist, so I will not continue to bore you with such ideas, and I will even say that it is looking more and more convincing that the release of the iphone 5 is coming very soon indeed.

If the rumors are true, the suppliers of Iphone 5 materials are in full swing and the iphone factories themselves are churning out 150,000 phones a day in preparation for the huge demand that will exist when the iphone 5 is officially released.  A fourth quarter estimate of some 22 million iphone 5 models is being projected.

Where can I buy and iphone 5?  You may be asking yourself.  It looks like AT&T will continue to have the largest customer share.  However, Sprint is rumored to be joining the party, offering the iphone 5 on network with an unlimited data plan available (for $100).  Verizon sales of the iphone continue to rise and are currently beating expectations.  The release of the iphone 5 will only help their situation.

This proves that Apple is a genius when it comes to marketing and creating buzz and demand.  Similarly the opening up of the field to more telecom players is growing the market and increasing competitiveness.  Gone are the days when people who refused to use AT&T would miss out on an iphone completely or have to decode and jail-break their iphone.  Now even loyal users of Sprint will be invited to the party.  And believe me, the release of the iphone 5 is going to spur more than one party.  Not only among techno-geeks, but among the soccer moms and mid-level executives who have flocked to the intuitive handsets.

IS THE WORLD READY FOR IPHONE 5?   The almost certain answer is a resounding "yes."  However, perhaps a more telling question is:  Is iphone 5 ready for the world?  The answer to this question will not be as clear immediately, although the global jury will be out immediately.  Can Apple pull off yet another coup and astound the world with a positive splash from iPhone 5?  For that answer, you may just have to "hold the phone."

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Iphone 5 release rumors continue

iPhone 5
The rumors of release continue but of course no one can confirm them completely.  The AT&T employees have been told a certain time in Sep-Oct not to plan for any vacation due to an "important release." And the rumor mills continue.  When will the Iphone 5 arrive?  That is the question at this time.  My earlier estimates and predictions about the much awaited Iphone 5 (that it won't release in 2011) may or may not still come true.  You really shouldn't count your Iphone 5's until they hatch.  I am still a strong skeptic, due the recent releases that are not exactly ground-breaking.  The upcoming rumored statement in a couple weeks (late September) may shed some light on the whole picture.  I am still leaning toward a 4GS version rather than an outright and disappointing Iphone 5.

Why am I so skeptical?  Well, apart from just wanting to be right (hey, it's human nature!), I think that the rumored addition of more networks into the mix will complicate things more than help them and it is unlikely that a new model of phone, the long awaited iPhone 5 will solve that problem.  It will complicate it futher and customers that are currently happy with their services may join the throngs of Sprint customers who are likely NOT to be happy with an incompatible phone and network system that needs the bugs worked out.  A 4 GS will still be a new release but will lower the psychological expectations of the fabled "5" and give the company some time to come out with yet another impressive IPhone that will be worthy of the big number.  IPhone 4 sales are still very strong and don't mandate a premature IPhone 5 release to boost sales.  Apple is in good shape.  I'm not sure that the 10 year anniversary of the Ipod will add to the sales of the rumored IPhone 5 release in October.  It's hard to imagine many potential buyers saying "I won't buy one... wait, it's the 10th anniversary of Ipod? O.K. give me two."  People who are buying them may or may not have ever even owned an Ipod!

So amidst recent epic fails on the part of some pretty major tech-news outlets (which this is not considered a part of in case you were wondering! ha ha), reporting on a hoax that September 7 was I-day, I remain unwilling to call or fold on this one.  The wise will remain in a "wait and see" mode and "believe it when you see it" way of thinking about these things.  Otherwise you will be in the masses of people who are being led around to bogus stories and easy "breaking news" stories about the unreal release of a highly anticipated tech event.

My Iphone 5 release date prognosis still says "2012" if we are lucky.  Bring on the 4GS or 4G or whatever they want to call the latest one and let's see if it's a generation better than the 4's as the 3 GS models proved to be!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Iphone 5 reportedly will have edge to edge screen

Perhaps the security at Apple is not invincible?  Today a major leak about the design of the new phones was put out, reportedly by Alibaba.  So perhaps at Apple's security branch there are people getting fired.  Or perhaps congratulations are coming in from the PR department on a successful "leak" through their connections in China, where believable leaks have seen the light before now. Are they laughing like this:  Bwaahahaha?    In the past, interestingly enough, these kind of leaks have been pretty reliable.  This fact has caused the news to hit the media quickly, though according to my buzzes, it's still really fresh.  This isn't a scoop or anything, but it's pretty fast!  (smile)

iPhone 5 will have an edge to edge screen according to the leak.  What does that mean?  It means that the screen will be the phone or rather the top side of the phone will be screen from edge to edge.  Does this mean the "home" button will part of the touch screen now?  That still remains to be seen.  It may be but there may be an additional physical button somewhere on the device to manage power on and off.  On that one, of course, Apple is not talking and probably won't be any time soon.  There is a word of caution however.  This kind of screen has been in the rumor mills before now and hasn't materialized in the models released so far...

Does this leak mean that we'll be able to buy an iPhone 5 any time soon?  On that question we are also left to speculate.  I am a skeptic that this points to the iPhone 5 being ready for release any time soon.  As the speculation continues about the iPhone 5, there is word surfacing that the advances in technology will be quite minor.  If this is really the case, a later release of a sub-par advance will put a damper on enthusiasm for the phones.  If the iPhone 5 is going to turn out to be a 4 junior, or even like a 4 on steroids with the faster processor and few if any new features, they better get it out ASAAP, as quick as Apply possible. (groan!)

In the meantime, this has raised the awareness and heightened the senses for many of us waiting for the iPhone 5 release.  Are they close enough to release for these kind of pictures to be accurate?  Are there accurate prototypes of the iPhone 5 currently being tested?  Have they narrowed down the design options to just one? For all of these answers, we'll just have to keep our eyes and ears open.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Latest on Iphone 5 Release

iPhone 5 release is almost certainly not going to be until Fall.  Of course it's possible that Apple will once again pull off a miracle, but right now there is more and more evidence piling up that the new release of the iPhone 5 is NOT imminent.  There is more evidence, which is only the latest in a growing pool of evidence that is pointing more and more to a "late" release of Iphone 5.  Is it fair to say "late" when Apple never promised a release date? you may be asking...  Let's say "later" if you don't feel comfortable with the term used above for whatever reason.  The fact is that Apple generally releases it's new items in the June to July time frame with a little later release of the iPod at a special event geared to releasing iPods later in the Summer.  While Apple has invited people to see a "preview" of it's recent Iphone technology, it seems to be focusing on the operating systems and software side of this phone, rather than showing off new flashy hardware.  Once again, we may all be wrong and all the rumors may be just for theatrics, but the body of evidence against this theory is growing.

The latest rumble in the growing avalanche is a notice from AT&T to many customers who were expecting upgrades to their iPhones this summer that they are not expecting a release from Apple in June or July.  They state that as soon as new model release dates are available that their customers can find out about it on the AT&T website.

Interesting, we have already asked the question on this site:  Will the Iphone 5 release happen in 2011?  There are still no open admissions that it will not be ready for a busy Christmas shopping season late this year.  But then again, there are no OPEN admissions that the iPhone 5 release date is not going to be this summer, though it seems obvious that it won't.

So we will probably see a bunch of articles why it's a better time than ever to get the Iphone 4 and that the upgrades won't be significant and that there will need to be a "fix" release soon after anyway.  Of course you can find that speculation anywhere.  Our goal here is to keep track of the iPhone 5 release and hopefully give you the most accurate information about that topic.  Whether or not you run out and buy and Iphone 4 or wait for the release of the Iphone 5, that's your choice and we hope you make the right one for you!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Iphone 4 finally releases "white" which means iphone 5 will be later

iPhone 5 will not be coming out soon.

 Iphone 4 white finally came out and went from urban legend or weird kit phone (one guy claims to have made over $140,000 selling white kits for black 4's!) to reality for the mainstream. So this means that the new release of the iPhone 5 is not immediately on the horizon. As mentioned before, sales figures are strong and even growing with the 4's so why would Apple put out the iphone 5 at this time?  Another figure that went up is the market share of iphones to 5% around the world and now pushing 15% in the US market!  Watch out Nokia!!  Even Android has seen a decrease in their overall market share recently, which doesn't automatically mean that IOS is taking that share, but it's unlikely that cut and paste-less Win7 Mobile is taking it, no matter how many billion dollars they give away to get phone makers on board.  Another recent report by 9to5 Mac says that developers are getting to test the iOS software for the five on existing devices and this process being at the stage it is means that the release to developers hasn't happened yet and the earliest possible time frame for a release would be September 2011, but that rumors of delays are rampant.  But this is all just heresay for now.  Of course. Apple likes it that way.

Regardless, the release of the Iphone 5 is still an event that will have people waiting and excited.  The big question now is whether or not that will happen this year.  Will the delays allow Apple to wow us once again with a faster processor AND better screen AND further capabilities?  The answer to this awaits us all and at this point in time it seems that nobody at Apple can accurately know when the release of the Iphone 5 will actually become a reality.  Apparently a good 5% of the world are VERY interested (higher in the US) and it's a good bet that many who cannot afford an iPhone 5 on it's release will still wait and watch with baited breath to see the new model come off the line.  Whatever happens, a lot is riding on this release and the brand will benefit or suffer because of it.  But for now it looks like it will be more hurry up and wait.

Not to worry, however.  We will know about it and have multiple chances to pre-order and buy an Iphone 5 long before the official release of the iPhone 5.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Iphone 5 release in 2011?

Who isn't looking forward to the release of iphone 5?  Perhaps Apple.  Why do I say this?  Well, other than the fact that there will be no employee vacations on the horizon around that time and very little sleep for the vast majority of people working for Apple, the possibility grows that there will be a long wait before this time comes. Why might there be a delay in the release of the iPhone 5?  I don't know and Apple won't tell anybody, of course, but the fact that a recent communication from an exec about the Iphone 4 WHITE and trying to generate some excitement does not bode well for those who are anxious for an early release of the iPhone 5.  Logically, if they are preparing to release the iPhone 5 soon, the appearance of the urban legend-status Iphone 4 is not of huge consequence and hardly worth mentioning.  SO, the speculation swirls...

Interestingly, the reported demand for the Iphone 4 continues to grow and the appearance of a white model could stoke this.  I have a couple friends who are waiting for the release of the Iphone 5 to take advantage of the price drop and buy an Iphone 4 from an upgrading user.  Will Apple use their God-given processors to conclude that milking a few more months out of the high-price cycle of the Iphone 4 will add to their bottom line and will not significantly affect or even increase demand of the awaited Iphone 5?  Don't put it past them.  They've pulled this off before.  On a bit of a rabbit trail, it's interesting how well the resale prices are holding up on Iphone previous generations.  My wife bought a 3G about a year ago and the prices on them are almost identical to what she paid.  The 3 GS's are holding even stronger.  This causes me to ask if my friends who are waiting for the Iphone 4 will still be disappointed and have to settle for something else even after the release of the Iphone 5 onto the market... Time will tell.  Although I'm starting to wonder if we'll know this year!

Will Iphone 5 release this summer?  Will it release this Fall?  And if we let our minds wander, the question that heads this blog is inevitably in our minds... 2011?  Is it in question?  The Apple company has not and will not do much to help us out with the release date but the signs are clear that some early expectations of a Spring release were WAY TOO OPTIMISTIC.  One thing is sure, the iPhone 5 is not coming out this Spring!  We'll have to wait and see about the 2011 calendar year.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What the Ipad 2 release tells us about how to buy an Iphone 5

So the question I want to address today is what the recent Ipad release tells us about the eventual release of the Iphone 5.  I have to confess that I stayed WAY away from the recent release of the ipad and not for any particular reason other than I was really busy.  Having said that, I'm not sure it takes an eyewitness to the carnage to figure out that "Cupertino, we have a problem."  BTW Apple is based in Cupertino, CA.

So what does this mean for those of us who want to buy an iPhone 5? Well, obviously if you are bound and determined to buy one, it means the difference between waiting in line, online or just waiting in general.  The main question being "How long?"  If the recent release of the ipad is any indication, the answer is "a very long time."  This is especially true if Apple continues to struggle with the issues of the ipad release.  If they don't solve some or all of these problems, the release of the iPhone 5 will be a disaster, a fiasco, again.  What are these problems specifically?  The main problem was a lack of supply.  You can't build something this big up (and believe me, the release of the Iphone 5 will be a LOT bigger than ipad) and then simply not have the models available for people to buy!  Examples are the phantom white models.  Did the company make more than a few hundred or thousand of these?  It seems, according to reports, that if you were further than 10th in line, you didn't get a chance to have a white one.  At the same time, every color you add puts problems into the process.  So they have my sympathies, but they have to decide to have or not to have... colors.  The other option that makes life more complicated is networks.  Each of these seemingly little changes makes a big headache for the company.  Since they didn't make enough of a headache of it before the ipad release, it became the customers' headache(s) too.  Will they make the same mistake for the Iphone 5 release?  Or will they fix it so it doesn't become your headache?  That answer and many others, remain to be seen.  Hopefully they will sit down and talk or read this or any one of the other critiques out there and put a team on each of the issues.  If they don't resolve these issues, everyone who wants to buy an Iphone 5, or almost everyone, will have a long day and possibly several long days and nights ahead of them.

So what if I were in charge of the release of the Iphone 5 and helping every person who wants to buy an Iphone 5 and is willing to do what it takes, gets one on opening day?  Here's my opinion for what it's worth.
Why can't the company just take orders now and fill them on day X and give everybody exactly what they want delivered to their own home?  Maybe that would be too easy?  When they get the magic number of orders (which I would say will be as soon as they tell people where to sign up) with pre-payment or contract with the appropriate network and what colors and options they want on the phone.  Options caused chaos to the ipad release and they will have to settle on a reasonable number of options (the old 32 GB vs.... 64? 128? etc.) colors, and then make the offer.  Then people could pre-order to buy an iPhone 5 and pay or sign right now.  They can have an idea on probably a million of the phones they will sell and this would actually probably help them to forecast what kind of demand there is going to be for the various colors, networks and technical specs.  So maybe when the Iphone 5 is released and hits the streets there will be a huge rush on the grape-purple model (JUST a guess--please don't start a rumor about the grape-purple iPhone 5!!)  and the company will just have to adjust on this.  Or just get a few thousand purple cases for the black ones (which always seem to be in over-supply and no-one exactly would die for--oh well).

So will they learn from past mistakes for the upcoming release when thousands and thousands of people will buy an iPhone 5?  Your guess is as good as mine.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Where is the Iphone 5?

Where is the iPhone 5?

In the midst of a somewhat hum-drum release of iphones to Verizon customers with mixed reviews, the hype about iPhone 5 seems to have been momentarily lost in the Buzz. However, don't for a minute think that the release of the iPhone 5 is not important! In fact the short lines for the CDMA Verizon phones probably highlight the anticipation that everyone has for the iPhone 5 to be released later this year. Many people, faced with a long wait period before they get a free upgrade to a new phone, are simply happy to wait and sign on with the iPhone 5. The fact that the new phones don't address several old issues, not least of which is the antenna reception issue, also contributes to many people hoping and looking forward to the release of iPhone 5 more than ever.
Is this Mac's real strategy?  Perhaps.  Many of the iPhones going out to existing customers through the network were delivered through mail and pre-application programs, which many of the faithful opted for over the possibility of getting stuck in iPhone grid-lock somewhere during the release.  AT&T has made a play to keep their customers and their exorbitant (read "crazy") discontinuation of contract fees would keep most non-royal or non-microsoft stock holders from jumping ship anyway.  Most people using the iPhone with AT&T have gone through their mourning period and gotten over the disadvantages a long time ago.  The others who couldn't have figured ways to get "out of jail."   So while getting a bit of media space, the release of the Verizon iPhone doesn't really change anything.  The vast majority of us are still waiting with anticipation for the release of the iPhone 5.  If anything, this just increases that anticipation, which doesn't hurt Mac at all, does it?  Now more than ever we want to know when they will release the iPhone 5 and where we can buy one!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why buy an iPhone 5? Another reason

iPhone 5

SO just in case you need another reason to buy the iPhone 5...  I will answer you with two syllables.  I say syllables because I don't know if it's one word or two!  Ha ha!  Are you ready? 4-G!  That's right, it's not on the phone.  It's the capability to log into one of the 4-G networks that are quickly creeping up.  Verizon looks like a player in this field as they frantically expand their network capacity and capability.  Don't be surprised now that the basic monopoly is broken to see many carriers jumping in to compete near and especially before the  release date of the iPhone 5.

Tmobile, for example has a 4-G network, as does Sprint.  So as more and more people line up to buy the iPhone 5, it only makes sense that every company will want a piece of the pie that is bringing in money to the wireless companies every month because people want to use their iPhone 5 to the max!  So look for a few more announcements like the Verizon one recently as we get nearer to the release date of the iPhone 5.

So beyond the amazing capabilities that we can only imagine the iPhone 5 is going to have (Look for a post in the not-to-distant future about some of this...), it should have a network backing it up that is first-rate and state of the art.  Also look for AT&T to cry big tears because their ability to bring customers who didn't want to have to unlock and jailbreak their iPhones to get them to work can now go other places without that barrier to entry.  That, in fact, is already starting.  What new changes and dynamic will the iPhone 5 bring with it?  The discussions are already heating up on these topics.  Will the release of the iPhone 5 bring out more gadget freaks and geeks than the previous releases?  I think that it definitely will but the answer remains to be seen and so any kind of "answers" to these questions are pure speculation and conjecture at this point.

What is almost certain, however, is that the new phone will be set up to make the most of the 4-G Networks and this may make iPhone 5 even hotter than the previous versions.  As the 4-G networks increase and availability reaches all locations, it is likely that more people than ever will be lining up to buy an iPhone 5.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The iPhone 5 Release Date

iPhone 5 release dates...

So of course the matter of the iPhone being released will be speculated upon until there is any concrete information out there.  There already is a lot of this. Release date of the iPhone 5 will most certainly be one of our obsessions here too and will be relayed as soon as possible. Don't worry!

Are there any tell-tale signs?  That depends on your definition of tell-tale.  There are some recent interesting occurrences that do point to the release date being later rather than earlier.  One of these is the fact that Verizon is now carrying them.  "Why would that have any effect on it?" you might ask.  In some ways it doesn't.  The actual fact that Verizon carries iPhones doesn't effect the process.  But the way that this is happening tends to point to the fact that the release of the iPhone 5 is not on the immediate horizon.  If it were, it seems to make sense that Apple and Verizon would have waited a bit to integrate the new technology into the premier of this marriage of service and hardware.

Other good clues in the mystery surrounding the Apple iPhone 5 include the recent announcement of the release of Beta 4.3 from Apple.  This is rumored to be happening in the next couple of months.  Now of course they could be late.  But you see the point:  If they were going to release iPhone 5 in February or even March (and probably April), the release of Beta 4.3 would not even be a blip on the radar screen in comparison.

The other question which only Apple can answer (and may or may not currently know) is how much time is too little time to release the iPhone 5, considering that technology jump won't be significant enough to keep the "wow" factor is the release of iPhone 5 is too close to iPhone 4!  The fact is that customers have come to expect a significant jump in capability between the numbers after the prefix.  It will take a reasonable amount of time to make this happen, even by the incredibly talented people at Apple.  A premature release will set them back and could be catastrophic for the whole franchise, because there will have to be a rush to put out another phone that satisfies and that rush could cause another premature launch with underwhelming results and then the whole thing has down-hill momentum.  So no-one should underestimate the importance of the release date of <a href="">iPhone 5</a>.

Another fact is that smartphones in the competition are only getting better and better with competitors like Google in the pond.  Android phones are coming out from several companies and the system will inevitably get more and more user friendly (remember it's soccer moms and teens that are going to bring market-share!).   This only ups the stakes for this next release.  Maybe you are thinking "Yeah yeah!  This has been true for every other iPhone release as well!"  You are correct, but is a screw-up in the preseason, mid-season, playoffs, or the championship most crucial?  IPhone is not pre-season and I don't want to kill you with the analogy, so I'll stop there...  When is the championship?  I don't know, but if iPhone 5 doesn't make the cut, the answer may be never.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Reasons to Buy an iPhone5

You may or may not be asking yourself  "Why should I buy an iPhone 5 anyway?"

It kind of depends on your personality, your love for electronics, toys and gadgets and the need to have the latest piece of technology.  If you just have to have the best new smart phone or latest most high-tech gadget, I probably don't have to convince you that you need an iPhone 5.  But if you fall into the category of person who really needs to justify the buy of an expensive piece of electronic technology, you are probably wanting to know some of the features that are rumored (Apple: "WE CANNOT CONFIRM OR DENY") to be in the iPhone 5   I think you'll be excited, no matter how techie inclined you might be, to hear some of the interesting features, but especially the essential and useful features that will contribute to the iPhone 5's success.  Let's face it, the thing that has broken this smart phone into the big leagues is that everybody loves it and can use it from stay-at-home spouses to teens to high level businesspeople.  If iPhone 5 doesn't have that simple user-friendly aura, all the high-tech wizardry will be for naught!

So... Let's get right down to some of the features-- ahem, rumored features of the iPhone 5.  For starters, it has advance graphic chips and dual core processors for improved resolutions of images and videos.  This has always been a question:  can the technology keep up with all the applications that are being run.  It's rumored that iPhone 5 will have enough technology under the hood to keep all the processes running and keep several applications going at once.  It is RUMORED to have an integrated GPS navigation feature, which will appeal to those of us who don't have room in our pockets or on the dashboard for one more tech gadget!  Will it work as well as it needs to or will we have to stick with the old Garmin or Tomtom?  That remains to be seen and will probably depend on personal preferences.

Finally, at least for now, a feature we can look forward to on the new iPhone 5 is (drumroll please)... HD Audio Quality!  This is something many of the previous iPhone's owners have seen a need for, especially when the movie is (from iTunes, of course!!) on the phone and it's hooked up to the expensive TV and audio system (home theater set-up, right?) and the sound... just doesn't deliver.  Come on, it's an iPhone, not a blue-ray right?  Well apparently, we don't have to take that anymore!  Apple has heard the groans of movie-stay-at-home-or-office-watchers everywhere and we should see HD capability on the iPhone 5.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How do I buy an iPhone 5 is going to be the question of the year!

iPhone 5

So we all know that iPhone has been the rage for the past few years and that iPhone 5 will be no exception and everyone will be wanting to know where they can get their iPhone 5, right?  When the iPhone 4 came out, I remember one guy at a local radio station sent his intern down to the store to wait in line with a t-shirt on telling the world that he was saving a place in line for the famous radio-guy to come down when his morning shift was over and wait in line for an iPhone!  It was really crazy in some places with the nerd herds sleeping in front of the doors to get their new gadget, the NEW iPhone!

So this time around with the iPhone 5 I'm sure it's going to be crazy again aren't you?  I mean, they keep getting better.  Even the little glitch with the reception of the 4 being fixed with a little plastic thingy that kept your fingers off the metal and improved the performance was a coup for Apple.  They won't have to beat out the Android competition to go totally viral again and have their factory workers working their fingers to the bone pressing the "make more iPhone 5" buttons like crazy.  Plus, if they open it up to more carriers, there will be no stopping them!

Beyond that, there are several new features that are going to make this gadget the one to have.  With a lot more capacity (I think 64 GB is the rumor?) and extra touches and the new design.  It won't be a miracle that this one outsells all the other models of iPhone that we've seen.

So you want to keep up on the information and know where to get the best deals on iPhone 5 is.  You want to buy an iPhone 5 at just the right time and you want to be in the know about the latest up to the minute details on the iPhone 5 and what is just hype and what's the real-deal.  Who doesn't?

Well, stay tuned, because it's coming and when the iPhone 5 arrives, it's going to be another wild ride to find out where to buy them, how to get the best deal, who is offering them etc.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ready to buy an iPhone 5? Get the info

Welcome to the iPhone 5 one-stop shop for information, updates, tips, techniques for all of you other iPhone enthusiasts (dare I say "lovers"!?!). So you've come to the right place if you want to know what to look for, where to buy an iPhone 5 , when you can (soon I hope!!), and other details. This thing is definitely "buzz" on the gadget scene.